research discovery

Tight on UX resources or need a starting point to solve your most pressing user research needs? Start with a plan to ensure you get the insights that will impact your product's success with research discovery. 

what is research discovery?

Research discovery gives product teams a pipeline of UX research studies to answer key questions. During this 5-week program, AnswerLab reviews your current user insights and creates a list of studies to answer your highest priority research questions. 

  • Synthesize and understand existing insights 
  • Identify and prioritize research questions that support achieving your goals
  • Develop a pipeline of UX studies that fits into your product roadmap
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research brief template

Start your research plan with a clear brief. Use this free template to create your own brief today.

need help deciding?

Speak with an experienced strategist at AnswerLab to learn how research discovery can help you. 

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