UX Research Case Studies in Tech, Gaming, Financial Services

Pharmaceutical Portal: Capturing Critical User Insights Pre-launch

Written by AnswerLab Research | Dec 7, 2022 6:15:12 PM

A leading pharma company asked us:

How can our new online ordering portal meet user expectations and needs upon first launch?

Our client wanted to obtain feedback to determine key features and establish a foundation of user insights before launching a new online ordering portal.

We answered:

AnswerLab designed a research study with 24 participants from a variety of backgrounds as health care professionals, including doctors, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, pharmacy administrators, and administrative staff. All of the participants regularly engaged with pharmaceutical purchasing for hospitals, health care systems, or clinics.

We conducted remote in-depth interviews on a range of platforms, including mobile, desktop, and tablet to understand their purchasing patterns and expectations based on current experiences ordering medications from an online portal.


AnswerLab captured user insights on what's missing from the current solution, usability issues, and information architecture recommendations. We also identified two key buyer personas, uncovering their values concerning online ordering, website functionality, and product transparency.

Our deliverables included:

  • Best practices for website usability specific to their market
  • Product display recommendations
  • User experience pathways
  • Framework for initial implementation and scalability

As a result, the company was able to utilize evidence-based suggestions for their self-service purchasing website, anticipating known usability issues.


Research can help you identify potential user issues and key opportunities when launching a new website. Contact us for help meeting your product success goals.